Men's Group Leader

Title: St. Luke’s Men’s Group Leader

Purpose: To connect men with each other in fellowship, mentorship and friendship for the purpose of sharing experience.

Responsible to: Director of Servant Ministry

Description of Duties: The leader will keep a roster, coordinate meetings, welcome new members, and select topics. The St. Luke’s Men’s Group meets once a month, on the last Tuesday of the month at 7am, at The Egg and I restaurant located in the Highlands Ranch Town Center, 934 Dorchester Street.

Time Requirements: Minimal, plus actual meeting time. Attend Common Table quarterly.

Term: 2 years or longer if you are enjoying the team.

Training and Resources: Leadership Training/Workshops once or twice a year.

Skills and gifts: Shepherding, Hospitality and Administration

Benefits to one serving in this role: Getting to know the men of our congregation

Completed by/date: Les Ludlam 1/29/2011